"There's nothing to match curling up with a good book

when there's a repair job to be done

around the house."

Joe Ryan



I read very interesting things about Jim Harrison in Greg Rappleye's blog...Strangely enough, Harrison seems to be more popular in Europe than in America...wonder why...
I noticed also what a journalist said about "Returning to earth": "for the first time Harrison may really identify to a woman...(Cynthia)"...strange...
I also read: some journalists prepare articles about books whithout reading them...it seeems to be true...
What about Dalva, Naomi , Willow, Rachel, Frieda, Ruth...?
"Returning to earth"is written as "The road home"...
Four chapters, four narrators...Donald, K, David and Cynthia...the story, I should say the stories are more powerful that way...each character has her, or his, own voice...that's important to me...
A woman won't tell a story the same way...and Harrison is a woman, when he gives her his voice...I can't quote Cynthia as I haven't read the book in English yet...but the way she talks about the man she loved, the way she misses him, his body, his fragrance is deeply feminine...
Strange to imagine that man, that rough Jim, writing with a delicate pencil...The magical writing...
I also love the crow on the book-cover...Russell Chatham is a great artist...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - great to hear from you in my blog today! I don't have much luck emailing you - it always returns, so I thought I would drop by and say thanks for the visit. I should send along a list of books I'm reading right now as I seem to be reading a lot more than in the recent past. I actually have 3 works of fiction sitting by the bed in various stages of being read right now (on top of others waiting to be read that I haven't started yet). Also going to more movies. Must need to "escape." But then it's summer and Husband and I always tend toward restless in the summer.

Thanks for visiting! good to hear from you!