"There's nothing to match curling up with a good book

when there's a repair job to be done

around the house."

Joe Ryan



Big Sur and the oranges of Hieronymous Bosch (published in 1957)

strong, hilarious, extremely interesting, deep, complete...what could I say...fascinating book...
to tell the truth I haven't been yet able to read a book by Henry Miller...but I found the reference of this one in Mariusz Wilks, and you know how I deeply love Mariuz W. I rely on him...so I started reading Henry Miller's book...nearly finished...it's not like a novel you read during one night...you need to take your time, to nibble some small pieces, to digest them, to think about them...you have everything in this book, thoughts about life, god, litterature, painting, children, nature, creating, food, ...
the book tells the story of miller's life on the Big Sur, a section of the California coast where he lived from 1944 to 1962. That was a very colourful place. Extraordinary people used to live there...kind of hippy community before the days...but a high concentration of writers, painters, all sorts of talents living next to each other, near nature...some people never wrote a line, never painted anything but they lived...carpe diem...
this is the testament of Miller, a free spirit who tried to find whithin himself his own kind of paradise...
read this book, it makes you feel better...


TammyVitale said...

Hi Mousie! perhaps I will now have to have a go at Henry Miller - I've never had much luck with reading him either! I have just finished a delightful book by Matt Ruff: Set this House in Order: A Romance of Souls. About a multiple personality person, or two. Very not put downable. =]

Anonymous said...

Hi Oldwoman - it's been so long since I visited I thought I'd drop in - seems to be a spare posting year for a lot of us - I have been off more than on. Best wishes! Hope all is well